
주청 교수

전공경약리, 신약개발, 의약품 비임상/임상 개발, 의약품 제품화/허가
연락처 cj2013@chauniv.ac.kr


  • 서울대학교 약학과 학사
  • 서울대학교 대학원 약학과 석사
  • 미국 컬럼비아대 (Columbia University, NY) Graduate School of Arts & Science/Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, Program in Neurobiology and Behavior M.A. 및 M.Phil.
  • 고려대학교 대학원 의학과 (신경생물학 전공) 박사 (Ph.D.)


        [교육 및 연구경력]
  • 현) 차의과학대학교 임상약학대학원 겸임교수
  • 고려대학교 의과대학 연구교수
  • 고려대학교 의과대학 Research Fellow
  • 미국 Burnham Institute (현 Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute) Research Scholar
  • 식약처 식품의약품안전평가원 제품화지원센터/APEC Harmonization Center 전문연구원/Regulatory Consultant

  • [학회활동 및 실무경력]
  • 현) 신풍제약 전무/연구본부장
  • 현) 과기정통부 뇌연구실무추진위원회 위원
  • 현) 한국제약바이오협회 R&D 정책위원
  • 현) 한국혁신의약품컨소시엄 (KIMCo) R&D 분과 운영위원
  • 현) 신약개발연구조합 제약산업기술거래센터 기술거래위원
  • 한국화학연구원 자문위원
  • 뇌연구고도화사업/국가신약개발사업 예타위원
  • 한국연구재단/보건복지부/범부처신약개발사업단/산업통상자원부/대구경북신약개발지원센터 평가위원
  • 현/전 한국뇌신경과학회, 한국약학회, 한국약제학회, 미국 신경과학회 Society for Neuroscience, 미국 American Stroke Association/American Heart Association, 유럽 European Stroke Organisation 학회원

  • [주요 연구분야]
  • 신경생물학, 신경약리, 신경계 질환 병리, 신약개발, 약리/독성, 의약품 비임상/임상 개발, 의약품 제품화/허가


  • Ju C*, Jeon SM, Jun HS, Moon CK. Diol-ginsenosides from Korean Red Ginseng delay the development of type 1 diabetes in diabetes-prone biobreeding rats. Journal of Ginseng Research 44(4):619-626. 2020
  • Zhou Y, Oh MH, Kim YJ, Kim E, Kang J, Sung J, Ju C*, Kim W-K, Lee K. Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of SP-8356, a novel (1S)-(−)-verbenone derivative, in rats and dogs and its implications in humans. Molecules 25(8):1775 (2020)
  • Kim JS, Lee JB, Park JH, Sung SM, Oh K, Kim E-G, Chang DI, Hwang YH, Lee EJ, Kim W-K, Ju C*, Kim BS, Ryu JM. Safety and Efficacy of Otaplimastat in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Requiring tPA (SAFE-TPA): A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase 2 Study. Annals of Neurology 87(2):233-2245. 2020
  • Singh S, Goo JI, Noh H, Lee SJ, Kim MW, Park H, Jalani HB, Lee K, Kim C, Kim WK, Choi Y*, Ju C*. Discovery of a novel series of N-hydroxypyridone derivatives protecting astrocytes against hydrogen peroxide-induced toxicity via improved mitochondrial functionality. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 25(4): 1394-1405 (2017) (* co-corresponding authors)
  • Hwang S, Cho GS, Ryu S, Kim HJ, Song HY, Yune TY, Kim W-K*, Ju C*. Post-ischemic Treatment of WIB801C, Standardized Cordyceps Extract, Reduces Cerebral Ischemic Injury via Inhibition of Inflammatory Cell Migration. J Ethnopharmacol. pii: S0378-8741(16)30166-0
  • Anthony Jalin AM, Lee JC, Cho GS, Kim C, Ju C, Pahk K, Song HY, Kim W-K. Simvastatin Reduces Lipopolysaccharides-Accelerated Cerebral Ischemic Injury via Inhibition of Nuclear Factor-kappa B Activity. Biomol Ther. 23(6):531-8. doi: 10.4062/biomolther.2015.124
  • Jalin AMA, Rajasekaran M, Prather PL, Kwon JS, Gajulapati V, Choi Y, Kim C, Pahk K, Kim W-K*, Ju C*. Non-selective cannabinoid receptor antagonists, hinokiresinols reduce infiltration of microglia/macrophages into ischemic brain lesions in rat via modulating 2-arachidonolyglycerol-induced migration and mitochondrial activity, PLoS One 10(10):e0141600
  • Kim C, Yun N, Lee J, Youdim MB, Ju C, Kim WK, Han PL, Oh YJ. Phosphorylation of CHIP at Ser20 by Cdk5 promotes tAIF-mediated neuronal death. Cell Death and Differentiation 2016 Feb;23(2):333-46
  • Yun N, Lee YM, Kim C, Shibayama H, Tanimura A, Hamanaka Y, Kanakura Y, Park IS, Jo A, Shin JH, Ju C, Kim W-K, Oh YJ. Anamorsin, a novel caspase-3 substrate in neurodegeneration, Journal of Biological Chemistry 289(32):22183-95, 2014
  • Kim C, Yun N, Lee YM, Jeong JY, Baek JY, Song HY, Ju C, Jin BK, Kim W-K, Oh YJ. Gel-based protease proteomics for identifying the novel calpain substrates in dopaminergic neuronal cell, Journal of Biological Chemistry 288(51): 36717-32, 2013
  • Ju C *, Song S*, Hwang S, Kim C, Kim M, Gu J, Oh YK, Lee K, Kwon J, Lee K, Kim W-K†, Choi Y.† Discovery of Novel (1S)-(-)-Verbenone Derivatives with Anti-oxidant and Anti-ischemic Effects, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 23(19): 5421-5 (2013) (*: These two authors contributed equally to the work; †: co-corresponding authors)
  • Ju C, Song S, Kim M, Choi Y, Kim W-K, Up-regulation of astroglial heme oxygenase-1 by a synthetic (S)-verbenone derivative LMT-335 ameliorates oxygen-glucose deprivation-evoked injury in cortical neurons. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 431(3):484-9 (2013)
  • Cho G-S*, Lee J-C*, Ju C, Kim W-K, N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists memantine and MK-801 attenuate the cerebral infarct accelerated by intracorpus callosum injection of lipopolysaccharides, Neuroscience letters 2013 Jan 30. doi:pii: S0304-3940(13)00063-3
  • Ju C, Hwang S, Cho GS, Kondaji G, Song S, Prather P. L, Choi Y†, Kim W-K†, Differential anti-ischemic efficacy and therapeutic time window of trans- and cis-hinokiresinols: stereo-specific antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, Neuropharmacology 67: 465-75 (2013) (†: co-corresponding authors)
  • Ju C *, Choi I Y*, Anthony Jalin,AMA, Lee DI, Prather PL, Kim W-K, Activation of cannabinoid CB2 receptor-mediated AMPK/CREB pathway reduces cerebral ischemic injury. American Journal of Pathology 182(3):928-39 (2013) (*: These two authors contributed equally to the work)
  • Choi I-Y,* Lee J-C,* Ju C, Hwang S, Cho G-S, Lee HW, Choi WJ, Jeong LS, Kim W-K. A3 adenosine receptor agonist reduces brain ischemic injury and inhibits inflammatory cell migration in rats. American Journal of Pathology 179 (4):2042-52 (2011)
  • Cai Y, Cho G-S, Ju C, Wang S-L, Ryu JH, Shin CY, Kim H-S, Nam K-W, Jalin A, Sun W, Choi I-Y, † Kim W-K. † Activated microglia are less vulnerable to hemin toxicity due to nitric oxide-dependent inhibition of JNK and p38 MAPKs activation. Journal of Immunology 187(3):1314-21 (2011) (†: co-corresponding authors)
  • Choi Y, Kim S-K, Choi I-Y, Ju C, Nam K-W, Hwang S, Kim BW, Yoon MJ, Won M-H, Park Y-K, Kim W-K. Amelioration of cerebral infarction and improvement of neurological deficit by a Korean herbal medicine, modified Bo-Yang-Hwan-O-Tang. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 63(5): 695-706 (2011)
  • Ju C, Oh YJ, Han BH, Kim HS, Kim HC, and Kim W-K. Intracellular pH-dependent peroxynitrite-evoked synergistic death of glucose-deprived astrocytes. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 37(8): 1160-9 (2004)
  • Okamoto S, Ju C, *Li Z,* Schölzke M, Mathews E, Cui J, Salvesen GS, Bossy-Wetzel E, and Lipton SA. Dominant-interfering forms of MEF2 generated by caspase cleavage contribute to NMDA-induced neuronal apoptosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 99(6):3974-9 (2002) (*: These two authors contributed equally to the work)
  • Shin CY, Choi J-W, Jang ES, Ju C, Kim W-K, Kim HC, Choi CR and Ko KH. Dehydroepiandrosterone inhibits the death of immunostimulated rat C6 glioma cells deprived of glucose. Brain Research 922(2): 267-75 (2001)
  • Choi IY, Lee SJ, Ju C, Kim H-C, Ko KH, Nam W, and Kim W-K. Protection by a manganese porphyrin of endogenous peroxynitrite-induced death of astrocytes via inhibition of mitochondrial transmembrane potential decrease. Glia 31(2): 155-64 (2000)
  • Ju C, Yoon K-N, Oh Y-K, Kim HC, Shin CY, Ryu JR, Ko KH, and Kim W-K. Synergistic depletion of astrocytic glutathione by glucose deprivation and peroxynitrite: correlation with mitochondrial dysfunction and subsequent cell death. Journal of Neurochemistry 74(5): 1989-98 (2000)
