현) Archives of Pharmacal Research, Associate Editor
국립독성연구원, 보건연구사
울산대학교 의과대학, PostDoc
울산대학교 의과대학, 연구교수
Harvard Medical School, Research Fellow
전남대학교 약학대학, 조교수/부교수
차 의과학대학교 약학대학 종합약학연구소, 소장
한국연구재단, 전문위원 (의약학)
약물학 연구실에서는 카테콜아민 신경계를 중심으로 신경계 기능 조절과 관련 질병 매개 신호를 분자생물학, 세포생물학 및 질병 모델을 적용한 연구를 통해 규명하고, 이를 기반으로 신경계 기능 조절과 질병 예방/치료의 약물학적 타겟을 찾는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
구체적으로, 대표적 퇴행성 신경질환의 하나인 파킨슨병의 발병 기작과 관련하여 산화성 스트레스와 같은 환경적 요인, alpha-synuclein, LRRK2 돌연변이와 같은 유전적 요인 등을 중심으로 신경계 기능, 생존, 및 행동 변화에 영향을 미치는 신호 연구를 진행하고 있으며, 천연물 유래 신규 물질들을 중심으로 도파민 신경계 기능 조절 및 질병 치료 물질로의 기능 연구를 수행하고 있습니다./li>
[주요 연구내용]
카테콜아민 신경계 분화 및 기능 조절 연구
퇴행성 신경질환 기전 및 예방/치료의 약물학적 타겟 연구
산화성 스트레스 등에 대한 생체방어능력 조절 약물 발굴 연구
불안/우울장애 기전 및 치료전략 발굴 연구
노화에 따른 정신신경계 기능 조절 기전 및 항노화 약물 개발 연구
Kim H, Lim J, Choi H-J, Kim S-H,* Choi HJ* ERRγ Ligand Regulates Adult Neurogenesis and Depression‑like Behavior in a LRRK2‑G2019S‑associated Young Female Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease Neurotherapeutics in press
Kim T,† Oh H,† Kim H,† Jeon Y, Shin H, Kim HS, Lim J, Lim C, Yoo J, Suh Y-G, Son WS, Choi HJ,* Kim S-H* Discovery of New ERRγ Agonists and Dopaminergic Neuronal Phenotype Enhancement of SH-SY5Y cells Bioorganic Chemistry 122, 105716 (2022).
Kim H, Sim H, Lee JE, Seo MK, Lim J, Bang Y, Nam D, Lee SY, Chung SK, Choi HJ, Park SW, Son I, Kim J, Seol W*. Ciliogenesis is Not Directly Regulated by LRRK2 Kinase Activity in Neurons. Exp Neurobiol, 30(3):232-243 (2021)
Bang Y, Lim J, Choi HJ*. Recent advances in the pathology of prodromal non-motor symptoms olfactory deficit and depression in Parkinson’s disease: clues to early diagnosis and effective treatment. Arch Pharm Res, 44(6):588 (2021)
Lim J, Kim HI, Bang Y, Choi HJ*. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma: a novel therapeutic target for cognitive impairment and mood disorders that functions via the regulation of adult neurogenesis. Arch Pharm Res, 44(6):553 (2021)
Kim HI, Lee S, Lim J, Chung S, Koo T-S, Ji Y-G, Suh Y-G, Son WS, Kim S-H*, Choi HJ*. ERRg ligand HPB2 upregulates BDNF-TrkB and enhances dopaminergic neuronal phenotype. Pharmacol Res, 165:105423 (2021)
Park HS, You MJ, Yang B, Jang KB, Yoo J, Choi HJ, Lee SH, Bang M * & Kwon MS *. Chronically infused angiotensin II induces depressive-like behavior via microglia activation. Sci Rep, 10:22082 (2020)
Kwon Y, Bang Y, Moon SH, Kim A, Choi HJ*. Amitriptyline interferes with autophagy-mediated clearance of protein aggregates via inhibiting autophagosome maturation in neuronal cells. Cell Death & Dis, 11:874 (2020)
Kim HS, Park H, Lim, J, Lim C, Kim T, Lee S, Hur J, Sim J*, Choi HJ*, Suh Y-G*. Collective Syntheses of Guaiane Sesquiterpenes: Stereoselective Syntheses of (+)-Dysodensiol F, (+)-10β,14-Dihydroxy-allo-aromadendrane, and (-)-Dendroside C Aglycon. J Org Chem, 85:13779-13792 (2020)
Kim J, Lim J, Moon SH, Liu KH, Choi HJ*.Toluene Inhalation Causes Early Anxiety and Delayed Depression with Regulation of Dopamine Turnover, 5-HT1A Receptor, and Adult Neurogenesis in Mice. Biomol Ther (Seoul), 28(3):1-10 (2020)
Lim J, Kim HI, Choi HJ*. Regulation of dopaminergic neuronal phenotypes by the estrogen-related receptor gamma ligand GSK4716 via the activation of CREB signaling. Neurochem Int. 136:104726 (2020)
Baek JY, Trinh TA, Huh W, Song JH, Kim HY, Lim J, Kim J, Choi HJ, Kim TH, Kang KS*. Electro-Acupuncture Alleviates Cisplatin-Induced Anorexia in Rats by Modulating Ghrelin and Monoamine Neurotransmitters. Biomolecules. 9(10). pii: E624. doi: 10.3390/biom9100624 (2019)
Kang KS, Huh W, Bang Y, Choi HJ, Baek JY, Song JH, Kang JW, and Kim TH*. Electroacupuncture for chemotherapy‑induced anorexia through humoral appetite regulation: A preliminary experimental study. Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine. 17(4): 2587-2597 (2019)
Kim HJ, Yim SH, Han F, Kang BY, Choi HJ, Jung DW, Williams DR, Gustafson KR, Kennelly EJ, Lee IS*. Biotransformed Metabolites of the Hop Prenylflavanone Isoxanthohumol. 24(3). pii: E394. doi: 10.3390/molecules24030394 (2019)
Lim J, Bang Y, Choi HJ*, Abnormal hippocampal neurogenesis in Parkinson’s disease: relevance to a new therapeutic target for depression with Parkinson’s disease, Arch Pharm Res, 41(10):943-954 (2018)
Park JY, Yun H, Jo J, Baek JY, Lee SC, Choi YJ, Shim JS, Choi HJ, Lee S, Kang KS*. Beneficial effects of Cirsium japonicum var. maackii on menopausal symptoms in ovariectomized rats. Food Funct. 9(4):2480-2489. (2018)
Sim J, Park H, Lim J, Yoon I, Lim C, An H, Yun H, Choi HJ, Suh YG*. Stereoselective Synthesis of 1,4,5-Tri-cis-guaiane Sesquiterpene: First Total Synthesis of (-)-Dendroside C Aglycon. Org Lett. 20(3):586-589 (2018)
Lim J, Bang Y, Choi JH, Han A, Kwon MS, Liu KH, Choi HJ*. LRRK2 G2019S Induces Anxiety/Depression-like Behavior before the Onset of Motor Dysfunction with 5-HT1A Receptor Upregulation in Mice. J Neurosci. 38(7):1611-1621 (2018)
Kim S, Lim J, Bang Y, Moon J, Kwon MS, Hong JT, Jeon J, Seo H, Choi HJ*. Alpha-Synuclein Suppresses Retinoic Acid-Induced Neuronal Differentiation by Targeting the Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β/β-Catenin Signaling Pathway. Mol Neurobiol. 55(2):1607-1619 (2018)